Sunday 24 July 2011

Norway shooting: Anders Behring Breivik describes his personal interests

The speedy apprehension, public identification and incriminating right wing, white supremacist rants of alleged Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik partially doused the red hot fire building to launch yet another anti-Muslim witch hunt. The operative word is partially, because despite the steadily mounting evidence that Breivik’s anti-Muslim hatred was a prime motive for the rampage, it didn’t stop the avalanche of chatter on blogs, websites, and reader comments, that there had to be a tie somewhere with Islamic terrorism. This has been the reliable code word for fanning anti-Muslim hysteria. The pattern has been well established since the Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing in 1996.

At the time, then President Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno had the good sense not rush to judgment and scapegoat Muslims. The swift arrest of McVeigh squelched the building mob mania against them. But it didn’t squelch public suspicions that all Muslims were potential terrorists. The federal building bombing propelled Clinton’s 1996 Antiterrorism Act through Congress. Civil rights and civil liberties groups had waged a protracted battle against the bill.
The law gave the FBI broad power to infiltrate groups, quash fundraising by foreigners, monitor airline travel, and seize motel and hotel records and trash due process by permitting the admission of secret evidence to expel immigrants. The implication was that present and future attacks would likely be launched by those with an Arab name and face rather than by men like McVeigh, or in the case of the alleged Norway terrorist, Breivik.

As for current flaws in my personality I guess have many stereotypical flaws. F example; I sound quite self righteous at times and I don’t like admitting it when I’m wrong, although I usually do. I still have a relatively inflated ego, with a constant need to feed on an intellectual level.
This is a quite common flaw and I try to suppress it although know I fail as most people do. Also, over the years I’ve generally been perceived as quite arrogant (even downright unpleasant at times, the last few years). This is likely due to the fact that I do not care as much as I did for creating or preserving social relationships due to my life choice. I guess it is also due the way I choose my rhetorical approaches, which is to a certain degree only an indirect defensive mechanism.
I, as most people, like to think I have a superb self confidence. But people who show signs of arrogance usually often use deliberate defensive manifestation to camouflage intellectual or social insecurity or perhaps they just don’t care. I guess the root to a majority of human flaws is linked to mans fundamentally flawed nature. We want acknowledgement, appreciation and/or love so we strive to be as perfect as we can be.
These human instincts often undermine the need for a pragmatical mindset. As for social skills or skills facilitating interaction and communication with oterhs; I know I mastered them a lot better before I started my self-engulfing studies several years ago. Social skills is an art form that requires continuous practice, and many of the people I know are masters at it. I know I could be as well but it would require a different lifestyle.
I do not accept or acknowledge many of the established “social rules” as I view it as irrelevant noise which takes us away from what is needed of us at this point in time. In any case; a majority of devout intellectuals have significant social flaws due to the fact that their choice of life (theoretical analysis) usually results in a scenario where they are “unplugged” from the “game” for too long.
At which point they would need at least a year or two studying/updating the fundaments of social rhetorical engagement). In depth analysis and theoretical studies doesn’t exactly go hand in hand with advancing your social skills which is more related to the skills of interaction and communication; sales, entertainment and manipulation. Unfortunately, many of my friends who are masters at it are apolitical and usually end up wasting their superb social skills on manipulating women into one night stands. If I were to focus on the social aspects of the conservative revolution (instead of the intellectual) I would rather use these abilities for something useful; for political consolidation/recruitment purposes.
However, it is very hard to be a master at theoretical analysis and master social skills as it is in many ways the anti-thesis of each other. I wouldn’t necessarily call it a flaw but the area of social skills I have neglected the most is; “Game” interaction - PC small talk, entertaining skills/PC humour. I simply do not want to waste my limited time on BS or irrelevant social noise.

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