Thursday 18 August 2011

Anderson Cooper Has Laughing Fit Discussing Gérard Depardieu

Anderson Cooper got a bad case of the giggles on air last night on Anderson Cooper 360° when he was attempting to explain why Gerard Depardieu has been added to his “Ridiculist.”

Natalie Morales could sympathize with Anderson this morning on the Today show claiming she’s famous for getting a case of the giggles on air.

Anderson cracked up at his own joke last night while making fun of Gerard’s headline news that he relieved himself on an airplane in front of passengers.

Gerard reportedly couldn’t wait 15 minutes for the flight to take off to use the bathroom, so he unzipped his pants and urinated on the carpet!

While reporting on Gérard Depardieu's public urination on a plane, the CNN anchor lost a bit of control himself on his show Wednesday night – practically collapsing in a fit of giggles while lobbing pun after pun at the French actor's expense.

What tickled Cooper in particular was the joke that at least Gerard went No. 1 and not "Depard-2."

Rubbing tears from his eyes, Cooper, 44, could barely speak toward the end of the segment, though he somehow managed to mutter an apology to viewers. "Sorry, this has actually never happened to me," he said.

Depardieu, 62, surely could have said the same.

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