Thursday 11 August 2011

Top Bush donor to bolt Pawlenty for Perry

Former U.S. Ambassador Gregory Slayton once talked up Senator John Thune’s chances for president. Then he got on board with his good friend Tim Pawlenty. Later, he was among those who brought Rudy Giuliani to Dartmouth College last month, where Slayton teaches.

But that was all before he knew that Texas Gov. Rick Perry would run for president. Now, has learned, he is totally backing Perry.

Slayton was a major donor for former President George W. Bush. He recently moved back to New Hampshire to teach at his alma mater. While Slayton is in the Grantie State, he is helping out local Republicans and the state Republican Party. He is also a player in the state’s presidential primary.

Perry said ‘Look, if I’m in New Hampshire and someone asks me what time it is, I’m going to say it’s time to create an environment where the private sector is going to create jobs,’” Slayton said.

Slayton said he trusts the political plan that Perry’s advisers, including New Hampshire-based consultant Dave Carney, laid out for him.

“I think Perry is one of the few guys — maybe the only guy in the race who can compete in Iowa, in New Hampshire, and in South Carolina, and can compete and win in all three,” he said.

Slayton said Pawlenty’s failure to catch fire so far was a factor as well.

“I just have tremendous respect for Tim Pawlenty and Mary Pawlenty and their team but for whatever reason it doesn’t look like Tim was going to take off.

Slayton spent 12 years working in venture capital in Silicon Valley, and much of his network is based there.

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