Tuesday 26 July 2011

Amy Winehouse's two albums have seen a rise in sales

Amy Winehouse's distraught boyfriend Reg Traviss has spoken about his agony in the fallout following her untimely death at the weekend.
Clean cut Reg, a film director, was pictured in the wake of Amy's death standing by her shrine with a haunted expression on his face.
Three days after the 27-year-old singer's body was discovered in her bed Reg has spoken for the first time about Amy, his 'dear love'.
Speaking to The Sun newspaper, the 35-year-old explained how his world came crashing down after the shock news of his girlfriend's death.
He said: 'The last three days have been hell. We have suffered a terrible untimely loss and want peace now.
'I can't describe what I am going through and I want to thank so much all of the people who have paid their respects and who are mourning the loss of Amy, such a beautiful, brilliant person and my dear love. I have lost my darling who I loved very much.'

The polar opposite of her ex-husband Blake Fielder-Civil, who is currently in jail serving 32 months for burglary and possession of an imitation firearm.
Blake, 29, was blamed for introducing Amy to hard drugs embarking on a tempestuous and destructive relationship with the singer.
Meanwhile Reg's relationship with Amy couldn't have been any different.
While Blake and Amy were often pictured looking dishevelled and 'out of it' on their nights out around London, Reg and his love were rarely pictured out together.
Instead, they stayed out of the limelight and, when they were pictured together, it was under far more civilised circumstances.
Reg always dressed in his trademark sharp suits and skinny ties, hair slicked back - a far cry from the unkempt Fielder-Civil.
And ex-husband Blake has been told he will not be able to attend the funeral today.

Gennaro Castaldo from HMV talks about the increased demand for Amy Winehouse's albums Frank and Back to Black following the news of her death over the weekend.

A post-mortem examination took place on Monday. No cause of death has yet been given. Results of further toxicology tests could take up to four weeks.

According to a spokesman, the singer's funeral will be held on Tuesday afternoon for family and close friends only.

She was identified by her family here at St Pancras this morning. A section 20 post mortem has been carried out today and samples have been taken for histology and toxicology to determine the cause of death.
'The scene has been examined by police who have deemed it non-suspicious.'
Reg joined Amy's parents at her shrine in north London, where Mitch thanked mourners and reporters at the scene.

He said: 'I know a lot of you, we've been together for five, six years, I know you've got a job to do. I'm glad you're all here anyway.'
'And you people in the street, I can't tell you what this means to us - it really is making this a lot easier for us.
'Amy was about one thing and that was love, her whole life was devoted to her family and her friends and to you guys as well. We're devastated and I'm speechless but thanks for coming.

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