Tuesday 26 July 2011

Bachelorette Down to the Final Two

Hello rose lovers! It's fantasy suite time already -- can you believe how far we've come in our "journey"? Before we begin with tonight's adventures, just a quick editor's note about last week's hometown date episode. I wrote my recap based on a rough cut that ABC sent me on DVD, and clearly the order of the dates changed before airtime. Sorry for any confusion, and I'm also sorry that the explanation does not involve me getting blackout drunk while playing a drinking game based on every time Ashley chewed her lips or fiddled with her bangs, as some of you suggested. Now, on to the "exotic" dates!
Splash! Ice-blue waves crash on the shore as Ashley arrives in Fiji on a pontoon plane. Fiji, as it turns out, is the latest in a long line of "perfect" places "to fall in love" and/or "get engaged" and find a "happy ending." Ashley reclines atop a pile of fluffy pillows on her hotel bed and narrates a recycled-clip flashback montage about the final three suitors. Ben is "goofy and silly and fun and playful" but also "sincere and honest"; Ben's doppelganger Constantine "has a really good head on his shoulders" and is "really smart," and their relationship has "so much depth to it" (see: their bonding session over a large plate of salad); and then there's JP, who "looked like a model" when he got out of the limo, according to Ashley. "Sometimes you don't need 20 dates with somebody to know how you feel about them," says the Bachelorette of Jape. (Ok -- but how about, like, 5?) And now, at long last, she gets to spend "private time with the guys alone," a prospect that's so monumental that she needs to curl up on the couch and journal about it. (Side note: Don't you hate it when people use "journal" as a verb, like I just did there? It's one of my top five pet peeves.)

JP appeared a little too sure of himself and said he wanted it to be over and, “ want it to be me”. Going by the chemistry between the two, and Ashley’s leanings towards his good looks and charm, it might come to that. “Sometimes you don’t need 20 dates to know how you feel about somebody. And with JP, after the first date I knew things would get pretty serious,” was Ashley’s comment.

The audience poll on abc.com shows JP getting y 71 per cent of the votes compared to 27 per cent for Ben.

The show format is a little different this time with the Men Tell All to be aired on July 31, ie next Sunday. The following night, Monday, August 1, is the finale. Immediately following the finale is the After the Final Rose special.

Ahead we see Ashley, Ben, and JP staying in Fiji. The men will meet her parents, brother, and sister. We hear JP tell Ashley he is madly in love with her and Ben says he is in love with her too. Ashley’s sister says Ashley is too much for one of the guys. Who could that be?

This is season seven of the show, which was restarted in 2008 after a gap of three years.( it stopped in 2005). The finale of the season one of the Bachelorette in 2003 was one of the most-watched programs in the history of reality television, 30 million people tuned in to watch the show (realitytvworld.com). Trista Rehn from this season married Ryan Stutter from the show in December 2003, as of 2011, they are still together and have two children.

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