Sunday 14 August 2011

Checking in on GOP politicians’ claims during Iowa debate

Des Moines, Iowa– Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann was at the center of an unusual campaign moment on Friday that involved reporters trying to ask her questions - and the Republican presidential candidate essentially being cocooned by a ring of protectors.
The Bachmann campaign insists they were only trying to keep the congresswoman safe and secure.

At issue: a scene that unfolded after the Republican presidential candidate briefly spoke at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines.
After talking for about three minutes, Bachmann waded into the crowd filled with adoring supporters.
Moments later, as she tried to exit the area back to a waiting drive cart, Bachmann found herself in the middle of a mob of people: among them many supporters and members of the press including this reporter and CNN anchor Don Lemon.
As both CNN staffers tried to question Bachmann, Lemon said he was pushed by two members of Bachmann’s staff. Lemon also said that Marcus Bachmann, the congresswoman’s husband, pushed him.
“She came out, after speaking for just a couple minutes,” Lemon said. “There were other reporters and cameras there. And I asked her very respectful questions: ‘How do you think you did in the debate last night?’ and ‘How do you think you’re going to end up in the Ames Straw Poll?’ And her two campaign aides started elbowing me.”
Lemon continued: “I told them, asked them not to elbow me. And then her husband Marcus started doing the same thing. And then he elbowed me into the cart. And I said, ‘You just pushed me into the cart.’ And he goes, ‘No, you did it yourself.

Look, (Michele Bachmann) has done wonderful things in her life, absolutely wonderful things, but it is an undisputable fact that in Congress, her record of accomplishment and results is nonexistent.” Mostly True.
Attacked Mitt Romney, saying “ObamaCare” was patterned after “RomneyCare.” True.
Michele Bachmann
Said Pawlenty had supported cap and trade when he was Minnesota governor. True.
Accused Pawlenty of saying, “The era of small government is over.” Mostly True.
When Standard & Poor’s “dropped our credit rating, what they said is, we don’t have an ability to repay our debt. … I was proved right in my position” that the debt ceiling shouldn’t have been raised.
Said raising the debt ceiling gave Obama a “blank check.” False.
Likened his campaign’s problems to Ronald Reagan’s. False.
Ron Paul
Declared in response to a question about how to increase growth that “the country’s bankrupt.” False.
Mitt Romney
“Back in the days of John F. Kennedy, the federal government took up, along with the state and local governments, 27 percent of the economy. Today, government consumes 37 percent of the economy. We’re inches away from no longer having a free economy.” Mostly True.
Jon Huntsman
Said that as governor of Utah, “We created a flat tax in the state of Utah.” Mostly True.

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