Sunday 14 August 2011

Pawlenty drops out of presidential race

Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty is dropping out of the presidential race, sources told CBS News on Sunday.

According to a campaign source, Pawlenty told supporters on a conference call Sunday morning that he would announce his withdrawal from the race on ABC's "This Week" after a disappointing finish at Saturday's Ames straw poll in Ames, Iowa.

Speaking to ABC's "This Week," Pawlenty said his campaign needed a lift in the straw poll.
"The pathway forward for me doesn't really exist and so we're going to end the campaign," he said.
Pawlenty finished a distant third in the poll, behind Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann and Texas Rep. Ron Paul.

Pawlenty's message Sunday was the opposite of the one he offered after the results of the straw poll came out Saturday.
"Congrats to Rep. Bachmann on her win. Our campaign needed to show progress and we did. I'm eager for the campaign ahead," he tweeted Saturday evening.
Asked by "This Week" whether he would be interested in being a vice presidential contender, Pawlenty responded, "That's not something I'm even going to consider."
Pawlenty said he might endorse a candidate down the road.

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