Friday 12 August 2011

Tim Pawlenty: Michele Bachmann attack 'not about gender'

Washington - Tim Pawlenty isn't backing down from his debate-night criticism of Rep. Michele Bachmann, saying Bachmann's gender didn't play into his choice of words.
Asked in a Politico forum whether it was a mistake to go after a female candidate using strong language, Pawlenty said, "It's not about gender, it's about the issues."

Pawlenty continued, "Representative Bachman likes to assign herself the label of leader. Well if you're going to be a leader, you have to be accountable for results."
Pawlenty went on to echo some of his criticisms of Bachmann, namely that her claims of success in Congress didn't match up to reality.
"Everything she's lead the charge against, she's not accomplished," Pawlenty said. "That's not good enough to be the president of the United States. With respect, she's done wonderful things in life, but we're not going to have a nominee that's someone who hasn't achieved results."
"No one's questioning her spine, they're questioning her results," Pawlenty said.
On Thursday night, Pawlenty went after Bachmann using similar terminology.

Breakfast in Des Moines, Pawlenty disputed the notion that he had gone after Bachmann too harshly in Thursday night’s GOP presidential debate. Pawlenty said he didn’t think he’d pay a price for attacking the lone female candidate on the stage.

“It’s not about gender. It’s about the issues and it’s about results and it’s about leading and saving our country,” Pawlenty said, noting that “Congresswoman Bachmann likes to assign herself the label of the leader.”

“She says, ‘I led the charge against Obamacare.’ Well, we ended up with Obamacare,” Pawlenty said, mentioning Bachmann’s unsuccessful opposition to federal spending and the 2008 bank bailout.

“Everything she’s led the charge against, she’s failed to accomplish. That’s not gonna be good enough for our nominee for president of the United States,” Pawlenty said. “We’re not gonna have a nominee and we’re not gonna put somebody in the Oval Office who has not achieved results during her time in Congress.

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