Tuesday 16 August 2011

Bill Clinton 'Tickled' To See Rick Perry Enter Race For President

President Obama launched a stealth campaign in the heartland Monday in an unmarked black bus, complete with dark tinted windows - and apparently paid for by taxpayers. The White House insisted Obama was on an official meet-and-greet to reassure Midwesterners about the struggling economy, but his first stop was Minnesota - home of Rep. Michele Bachmann, one of the Republican presidential front-runners. 

Newly-declared Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry is a "good-looking rascal," former President Bill Clinton said Monday. But Perry's anti-Washington posturing is "crazy," Clinton said. Speaking to a gathering of firefighters in midtown, the Democrat said he "got tickled" watching the telegenic Texas governor announce his candidacy Saturday.

Perry said that things could get “ugly” in the Lone Star State for Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke if the Fed embarks on another round of quantitative easing. At a house party in Iowa, Perry was asked for his thoughts on the Federal Reserve. “I‘ll take a pass on the Federal Reserve right at the moment, to be honest with you,” he replied.

Perry dismissed comparisons between himself and former president George W. Bush on Monday, calling them "inevitable" but unfair. "I am Rick Perry and he is George Bush," Perry declared as he marched through the Iowa State Fair, surrounded by reporters. "And our records are quite different." Asked what the biggest difference is, Perry responded: "I went to Texas A&M. He went to Yale.

Former president Bill Clinton says that he's "tickled" to see Texas Governor Rick Perry enter the race for the Republican presidential nomination.

The Lone Star State Republican declared his candidacy for president of the United States during a stop in South Carolina over the weekend. The New York Observer reports that Clinton said he "got tickled" by watching the announcement while speaking at a fire fighter’s conference in the Big Apple on Monday. He quipped, "He’s a good looking rascal.

The newly-minted Republican candidate also explained how he differentiates himself from former president George W. Bush.

“They’re not all carbon copies in Texas," explained Perry. "I tell people that one of the quick ways you can tell the difference is he is a Yale graduate and I’m a Texas A&M graduate. But the fact is, it doesn’t matter where you’re from. The next President of the United States, what state you’re from doesn’t matter. What matters is what is in their heart, what’s in their mind. What’s in my mind and what’s in my heart is we are going to get America working again.”

Perry recently told Time magazine that he reached out to Bush early in his decision-making process on whether or not to vie for the White House. According to Carrie Dan at NBC News, the GOP hopeful said on Monday that the country needs a president who is "in love with America.

The Texas governor called Bachmann "a ball of fire." The pair of candidates crossed paths in Iowa on Sunday night; however, the Associated Press reports that they never met face-to-face at the Hawkeye State gathering.

"She came in after we had been there for about an hour and a half," Perry said. "But anyway, we’ll meet and we’ll have a good chance to shake and howdy and I’ll get to know her even better."

Perry also sought to draw a contrast between himself and Romney.

“I say, look at the record," he explained. "Look at the record of Massachusetts while he was the Governor there. Look at the record of Texas while I’ve been the Governor there. We created more jobs than any other state in the nation -- from June of 2009 until present, 40 percent of all the jobs in America. Nobody in this race can say that."

Asked by CNN about a mild jab Romney took at Perry on the heels of his presidential announcement, the Texas governor reportedly blew a kiss and said, "Give him my love.

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