Tuesday 16 August 2011

No apologies from Perry for Texas-style tough talks

But is it all too much? Even before this week, there were questions from political strategists who have watched Perry as to how suited he is for a general-election campaign, in which he would have to appeal to independent voters, to suburban women around Philadelphia and Denver, to older voters in Florida, and to those who will hold the balance in swing states such as Iowa.

And Perry suffers from the inevitable comparisons with the Texan who was most recently in the Oval Office. Bush and Perry are strikingly different politicians, and in Texas the rivalry between their two camps is well known. But to the untrained ears of the national electorate, Perry may sound too much like another brash Texan for voters not eager to revisit the Bush years.

Another obstacle may be learning to broaden his appeal. Texas-based strategists say Perry has focused his campaigns almost completely on the Republican base and conservative independents. That may not be enough to win a national race, unless the dissatisfaction with the economy and Obama’s leadership make 2012 a race that is the Republicans’ to lose.

What is considered the conservative mainstream in Texas may be too conservative in other parts of America. What worked in Texas won’t necessarily work elsewhere. Being too Texan, never much of a problem at home, could hurt him nationally. Aspects of his record that Perry may assume have been fully litigated could become problems when the national spotlight begins to shine.

The Republicans who worry about Perry as a general-election candidate fear that he is too conservative on social issues, too grounded in the idiom of Texas, too enamored of his 10th Amendment, states’ rights message.

They also worry about more rhetoric like his comment about Bernanke, or his response to a reporter who asked whether he thought Obama loves America: “You need to ask him.” Or his suggestion that a president who has never worn the uniform, like Obama, may be less respected than one, like him, who has.

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked the president Tuesday whether he found Perry’s comments disrespectful. “You know, Mr. Perry just got into the presidential race,” Obama said. “I think that everybody who runs for president, it probably takes them a little bit of time before they start realizing that this isn’t like running for governor or running for senator or running for Congress, and you’ve got to be a little more careful about what you say. But I’ll cut him some slack.”

Perry would present the sharpest possible contrast with Obama in an election that is likely to be fought on big issues and along ideological lines. His advisers believe that the unhappiness with Obama and worries about debt, deficits and the growth of government mean that voters will find the Texas governor’s message appealing.

The governor, in the midst of a swing through the first state to pick presidential delegates in 2012, also drew fire for asserting that members of the armed services would prefer a commander-in-chief who served in the military.
"I think that's a true statement, and I wouldn't back off it an inch," Perry said. "Go ask your veterans if they'd rather see somebody who has never served in uniform as their commander in chief."
Perry, 61, was a C-130 pilot and served in the Air Force from 1972 to 1977. Obama, 50, was four years old when the Vietnam War started and has never served in uniform.
Obama's campaign team jumped on the Republican for what they called questioning the president's patriotism.
"I'm glad he declared his love (for the U.S.)," Obama strategist David Axelrod retorted. "Last I checked he was suggesting Texas might secede, so this is real progress."
Obama, however, declined to criticize the man who has accused him of presiding over an "economic disaster."
"Mr. Perry just got into the presidential race," Obama told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Tuesday. "I think that everyone who runs for president - it probably takes them a little bit of time before they start realizing that this isn't like running for governor or running for senator or running for Congress. And you've got to be a little more careful about what you say. But I'll cut him some slack - he's only been at it for a few days now."
In Texas, Perry is known for his take-no-prisoners politics and raw language. In 2005, he apologized and said he didn't realize the station was broadcasting when he ended a TV interview, signing off with "Adios, mofo."
Tone down the act?
But he isn't as well-known by voters outside Texas, and Merle Black, a political science professor at Emory University, says Perry risks becoming known as a shoot-from-the-lip Texan if he doesn't "tone his act down by about 25 percent."
"Most Americans know very little about Perry, and first impressions sometimes persist," Black said. "He needs self-discipline so that his judgment and temperament do not become the story. There is a tremendous amount of anger in the nation, but Americans expect a president to do more than simply reflect their irritations."
Presidential scholars noted that Perry's dust-up is a common occurrence when prominent state politicians ace the glare of the national media.
"Welcome to the big leagues," University of Iowa political scientist Tim Hagle said. "Now, Texas isn't exactly the minor leagues by any stretch of the imagination, and there's a reputation for Texas politics being rough and tumble at times, but it still jumps to a different level when someone hits the national stage. That's particularly true when you jump into the presidential race with the amount of attention that Perry generated."
Amid the controversy, Perry got good news from a Rasmussen Reports telephone survey taken Monday that found him with the support of 29 percent of likely GOP primary voters. Mitt Romney, the early leader, polled 18 percent, and Michele Bachmann, who won the Ames Straw Poll in Iowa on Saturday, picked up 13 percent.
"Gov. Perry is enjoying a bounce from entering the race at precisely the right time," pollster Scott Rasmussen said. "Now the difficult part begins for the new frontrunner. It's much easier winning support when people are hoping you will get in the race than retaining support when you are the frontrunner.

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