Tuesday 16 August 2011

Michele Bachmann skipping Florida straw poll

Houston - Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul did very well in the recent Iowa Straw Poll.
He came in right behind Michelle Bachman, so why is most of the media ignoring him?
Results of the poll came out this past Saturday.
Candidates were doing 1-on-1 interviews with all of the big news organizations and networks, but not Ron Paul. No interviews for him, no mention of his name. Even one of the nation’s most popular political comedians found it quite obvious.
Leave it to Jon Stewart to turn something very serious into something very funny, and that's the way Ron Paul sees it too. I sat down with him in his small office in Clute where he was all smiles.
“Jon Stewart is not really in our political camp but he likes to pick out those things that deserve to be made fun of and he did a pretty good job,” Paul said.
After getting pretty much zero recognition for a job well done in the Iowa Straw Poll, all Paul can do is laugh about the matter and move on.
“It’s great being ignored. You get a lot of attention, from all the attention, I’m being cynical now, you know we were ignored and people want to know why and I said well, you have to ask the people that ignored me,” Paul said.
Even though he thinks he deserved some media attention, he's not about to complain and pick a fight.
Instead, he thinks the media just doesn't understand his philosophy.
“I give them a pass and say they do not understand it and they don’t want to be bothered with it, it’s a threat to them because they don’t want to deal with it, so maybe if we just pretend like he doesn’t exist…but believe me, it’s not going to work,” he said.

And She was the winner in Iowa's straw poll, but a spokeswoman confirms Michele Bachmann won't be taking part in Florida's Presidency Five straw poll, which falls just after the GOP candidate's debate being held in the state.

Organizing for a straw poll is pricey and logistically rigorous, although the Bachmann campaign did it once already. And the state is shaping up as crucial given the current dynamics of the primary, with Rick Perry and Bachmann playing aggressively for Iowa and Mitt Romney still the heavily-favored prospect in New Hampshire, and it could be an opportunity for her to prove she can play in a more moderate swath of the map.

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