Saturday 13 August 2011

Marcus Bachmann ‘Elbowed Me Into A Golf Cart’

According to CNN, Lemon and another reporter from the network were among a ring of press and supporters that surrounded Bachmann after she spoke briefly at the Iowa State Fair and tried to make her way to a drive cart to exit.

“As both CNN staffers tried to question Bachmann, Lemon said he was pushed by two members of Bachmann’s staff,” reports CNN. “Lemon also said that Marcus Bachmann, the congresswoman’s husband, pushed him.”

As the clip below indicates, the gay anchor tried to ask Bachmann respectful questions about her debate performance Thursday and her expectations for the Ames Straw Poll, which takes place today.

Lemon said afterward, “I told them, asked them not to elbow me. And then her husband, Marcu,s started doing the same thing. And then he elbowed me into the cart. And I said, ‘You just pushed me into the cart.’ And he goes, ‘No, you did it yourself.

Lemon noted that Rep. Bachmann was supposed to give a speech, as many other candidates were, at 5, but “showed up at 5:30, talked for five minutes” and left. Lemon and his team followed, but found themselves in a troublesome situation:

I asked her very respectful questions about her performance last night, where does she think she’s going to end up in the Straw Poll. And her two campaign aides… started elbowing me and pushed me through the crowd and her husband Marcus did the same thing– even pushed me, elbowed me into a golf cart where I hit my head and it caused people to spill things.
According to the CNN report, Rep. Bachmann’s press secretary said “it was just too crowded,” and that they were only looking out for the Congresswoman’s safety. It also notes that Marcus Bachmann apparently told Lemon “you did it yourself” when he protested to being tossed into a golf cart. “I don’t know why this happened,” Lemon noted, “it was an embarrassing display on their part.”

CNN also released the raw footage, where it does appear to be a large crowd and, while the cameraman isn’t able to fully capture the action, Lemon can be heard protesting, concerned for his safety.

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