Saturday 13 August 2011

Romney worth up to $264 million; earned up to $68,000 per speech before campaign

Mitt Romney may not be in Ames, Iowa, today for the Straw Poll but he's not immune to attacks from his competitors, especially those from Bill Burton, former White House spokesman who is now with the pro-Obama PAC "PrioritiesUSA," and dedicated an entire memo to the GOP contender this morning.

Burton, in an e-mail blast earlier titled "Romney's artificially low expectations in Ames," railed against Romney for claiming that he's not participating in this year's Straw Poll. Burton writes, "The Romney spin that they aren't competing or even concerned about the results in Iowa doesn't stand up to the facts."

"Romney has enlisted a string of high-profile Iowa endorsers, leads public polling in Iowa and is sitting on $13 million in campaign cash, not counting his vast personal fortune," said Burton. "He participated in the Iowa debate on Thursday, his campaign touted the 10,000 Iowans that joined his tele-town hall, and his campaign is quietly pushing people to attend Ames."

The Romney campaign pushed back on Burton's remarks, with spokeswoman Andrea Saul telling ABC News, "President Obama should spend more time worrying about creating jobs for the millions of Americans out of work, instead of spreading false information about Mitt Romney."

The campaign also noted to ABC News that despite allegations that suggest otherwise, the Romney campaign has not spent a dime on the Iowa Straw Poll this year. No money has been put toward luring voters to Ames or for any ads surrounding the event, according to the campaign.

A source close to the Romney campaign told ABC News that despite allegations, the Romney campaign has not spent a dime on the Iowa Straw Poll this year.

Romney himself has said repeatedly that his decision not to participate in the Iowa Straw Poll -- or any straw polls this election cycle -- is because he wants to focus his money and time on getting the support of actual delegates.

The numbers underscore an issue that poses both a benefit and a challenge for the former Massachusetts governor, who points to his business experience as evidence of his ability to lead the country.

But Romney, who grew up in a wealthy family before expanding his fortunes at the Bain Capital equity firm, also has struggled to portray himself as a candidate in touch with the lives of regular voters.

At an Iowa appearance this week, Romney sparred with hecklers urging him to raise corporate taxes by responding: “Corporations are people, my friend.” GOP challenger Tim Pawlenty also made light of Romney’s wealth during a Thursday night debate in a quip about mowing his lawn.

Romney is far richer than most, if not all, of his presidential rivals. President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama reported assets between $2.8 million and $11.8 million in 2010. The only other candidate who might exceed Romney in personal wealth, former Utah governor Jon Huntsman Jr., has yet to file a disclosure.

In addition to his sprawling investments, Romney was paid more than $374,000 for nine speeches in 2010 and 2011, including a speech at Clark Consulting in Half Moon Bay, Calif., for $66,000 and two appearances worth $68,000 each for Goldentree Asset Management and the International Franchise Association.

His most recent reported speech, for Barclay’s Bank in Washington, made him $42,500 in February, as he was preparing for the start of his presidential campaign, the records show.

Romney also owns horses worth up to $500,000 through a limited-liability company; one of them won a prize of less than $201, the report shows.

The financial disclosures — which are expressed in broad ranges rather than precise numbers — suggest that Romney could be worth as little as $85 million or as much as $264 million. His campaign said that “a more accurate range” is between $190 million to $250 million.

Campaign officials said the holdings of Romney and his wife, Ann, are managed in a blind trust administered by an attorney at Ropes & Gray in Boston, a firm long tied to the Republican candidate and his inner circle. “They do not control the investment of these assets,” said campaign spokeswoman Gail Gitcho.

Romney’s investments span a broad spectrum of the global economy, including energy, finance, health care, industrial firms and telecommunications and high technology, the records show.

His assets are held in more than 160 funds controlled by a variety of major investment firms, including BNP Paribas, Goldman Sachs, Rabobank Nederland and Bain Capital. Romney also reported up to $500,000 in Ford Motor Co. stock and up to $250,000 in Marriott International.

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