Saturday 13 August 2011

Michele Bachmann For President

If the presidential election were held today conservative radio talk show host Glenn Beck would cast his vote for Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn. For Beck, the choice was between Bachmann and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, the New York Daily News reported.

"Michele Bachmann is no lightweight. Neither is Rick Santorum. Neither one of them are going to give in the end on their principles. They'll go out in flames," he said on his radio show Thursday according the paper.

Beck was torn between the Tea Party favorite and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum.

"Michele Bachmann is no lightweight. Neither is Rick Santorum. Neither one of them are going to give in the end on their principles. They'll go out in flames," he said on his radio show Thursday, where he asked his co-hosts who they'd vote for if they had a "gun to your head."

The Fox News host then blasted the mainstream media for what he said was unfair treatment of Bachmann, including allegations that her family-owned Christian counseling clinic urged patients to "pray away the gay."

The media "needs to take anybody that is going to change course, they need to take them out," the ex-Fox News host said. "...Nobody is going to be talking about praying the gay away in 12 months from now when our economy is in absolute shambles."

Beck also weighed in on former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

"I think he's an honorable man, but I don't trust him," said Beck, acknowledging that Romney would "decimate" Obama in the debates.

He then gave an ominous warning, predicting "race riots are on the way."

"The next president needs to prepare to be Abraham Lincoln, be willing to fall on his sword. The next president needs to be willing to sacrifice his life because the choices that this next president will have to face are going to be awful," he said.

"I firmly believe race riots are on the way. They are being encouraged. The Obama administration will take this country down. If it looks like they are losing - the uber-left - they will take it down.

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